Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Just more random banter...but with pictures

Hello Puppet
Lets see now…where did I leave off. Ok I’ll start with Thursday. Nothing much really. Kiru was late to pick me up so I thought maybe he wasn’t coming. Well anyway as the story goes I left and he came later…Oppps. I got to work and saw to my dismay he wasn’t there…crud. I texted him and told him I was already at the office and gave many apologies when he reached the office. Oh well…I am now taking the bus to work on my own. Yea for me.
Anyway, Friday was a Poya day so I didn’t have to work. (Poya is a Sri Lankan holiday that comes once a month…Yea for holidays that happen every month) I did nothing that day.
Saturday I went to Unawatuna which is down south near Galle. It has the most fabulous beach with the warmest and most turquoise ocean anywhere. I have pictures but they don’t really do any justice. We went by train on the way there. It is fairly cheap (roughly 1.50 US$ for the 2.5hr express train) but we spent half of the very bumpy journey standing. Seats are first come first serve but with people getting on and off eventually everyone in our group got to sit down. I went with Dan and Jen who I know through R&N and Tristin and Munir…friends of friends. It was a good group.
We swam in the ocean and read and just were lazy on Saturday and Sunday. It was good…I NEEDED to get out of Colombo for a while…relax.
On Saturday night we ate with some of the “Swedes” who were also there for the weekend. I’ve learned one thing about the Swedes so far and that is if you eat with them, prepare to pay. However they pick out the places with the best food. That evening my group of 5 shared 3 orders of the “catch of the day” which was jumbo prawn. Ha…me and fresh just caught seafood. Well there’s a first. Tristin had to give me a rundown on how exactly to eat prawn as it came with head, tail, legs and all. It actually tasted quite nice with lots of garlic and a little butter. Way better than the lobster tail I had once in Chicago when Jill and I went with Dad on a Nat. Dairy Board trip.
Later that evening we went to a very western beach party and I realized that I don’t miss American culture at all. Really, not at all. I still had fun however. I do a mean sprinkler and all were impressed with my lawnmower (dance moves).
On the way back we were waiting for the bus and got sequestered by a van driver. Same price…no stops…and I got dropped off right at my junction. So what if we were 10-13 of 13 people in what in the states would be a 9 person van. The van driver was even pretty decent fast but in control…
Anyway that is all for now. I think…yup that’s all.


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