Sunday, January 07, 2007

And so it goes

Well well well, its been a while since my last entry. I did go to Kandy. I had to sleep snuggled in a blanket with no fan on. In the mornings I wore a jacket. It was down to like 67F at night and only got up to the high 70s during the day…so cold ;-) I think my internal temp. has reset because I was actually a little chilly. Anyway, we went to the elephant orphanage (for good pix see my snapfish account, e-mail me if you need it), botanical gardens, to the markets and to a Kandian dancing show and a bunch of stuff. The inn that we were staying at had THE best food I have yet had in Sri Lanka. We (Team Sri Lanka) liked it. Dinner was a buffet at 7pm guesthouse style. Anyway the first night we got our rice and curry and without a thought Rachel and I started right in with our fingers…Nigel, seeing everyone else using silver looked at us slightly shocked…and then happily proceeded to dig in sans silver. It tastes better when you use your hands. Anyway, after we were finished they brought us the hottest finger bowls ever. The water must have been fresh off the boil. And so the sport of X-treme finger-bowling was born. It was a very nice trip indeed.
On New Years Eve I went out to a get together at a friends house. It was a fancy dress party. Very fun. We stayed up all night dancing and playing games and talking…oh and eating. We left around 0600. Dan and Jen had the not so brilliant idea of going to the New Years Day service at St. Paul’s. I was extremely disinclined to acquiesce, however I was overruled and since we were sharing a trishawl I really had no choice. So we went. Both of them fell asleep promptly leaving me to try and keep them from falling out of the bench…with Dan I was unsuccessful. Even when I gave him a Bible to hold he still fell asleep and the Bible fell with a loud thud. Ayy yo. After the post-sermon prayer I prodded them hastily out the door.
On the 4th Y Gro’s Colombo office got robbed. They broke open all the desk drawers and stole all the money from the money boxes in the accounting department. My laptop was in my desk but they didn’t take any electronics only cash…Lucky for me….very lucky. It was robbed during the day when we were all at a prayer and fasting thing with YFC. Grrr. The next day we all spent ½ a day downstairs in the eating/training/living area b/c they had to dust for finger prints.
While downstairs some of us were talking in the kitchen. I went to leave and was walking out when I noticed something scamper on the floor right where I was going to be setting my foot down. Well you know how you can’t really stop yourself after mid-stride. Well this instance was no exception. I set my foot down on the giant spider but I had noticed it early enough that the step was light and quick enough not to squish it. I lifted my foot, it scampered away. I jumped around for a while making screechy-girly noised and then jumped onto the counter. People were very confused and thought I was doing a dance. However when my screeching stopped I was able to form the sentence “I hate bugs. Spider”, repeat it over and over, and point to the floor. Oh…I forgot to mention that I had taken off my shoes earlier that morning, so I was barefoot.

Pray for my sanity in more "fun" visa situations.
Anyway that is life for me now. I hope to hear from some of you.
Peace and Love