Saturday, January 15, 2011


January 15, 2011
Hello All!!!
It hasn’t even been a month and I am writing!! I SO win! Well let’s see now. Christmas has now come and gone (well the more focused part of celebrating Christ’s birth has gone). It was nice to be able to work part time this month as I hadn’t had a full home Christmas holiday in four years. It was really lovely spending time with the family. It however was a bit hard, as I thought it might be. All of my siblings now have children of their own and half have multiple children. I think the only reason we arranged to have our family Christmas celebration on Christmas day was because I basically said I would cry if we didn’t. Everyone has sort of grown up and started their own families; well at least they have started their own families. Its just mom, dad, me and uncle Ron now. Anyway, it was good. Everyone was there and that felt super. I love having a big family. We are so goofy and odd. Good times indeed.
For new years I had a great trip around visiting people. On Thursday the 30th I met up with a former co-workers family (Phil’s family for those of you who know my work in the Big Bang). They were hosting Shuvo, another former co-worker’s son. Shuvo is from Bangladesh and his father worked for the same organization where I worked. He is attending Hesston. We spoke Bangla a bit. It was nice to pick it up a bit again, as I don’t have much practice anymore. He was very grateful to be able to speak it with someone as well. I would imagine it would be hard to never be able to speak your native tongue with someone other than on the phone. Anyway, I met up with this crew at Fair Oaks Dairy in Indiana. We toured there and talked about cows! Yea!!! Cows!! It was really a nice day. After the tour, I went back to their residence and we played games and had much merriment. Their family reminds me much of my own; well if you replace the cows with goats. It was also sort of fun to be able to put the name of a goat with the actual goat. You see, my former co-worker (Phil) really likes goats, and not everyone likes to hear about goats. Since I have a livestock education and background, love animals in general and like to listen to people talk about things they are passionate about, I on a few occasions was regaled for hours on end with stories of Phil’s goats. I enjoyed it…most of the time ;-) Anyway, the point is that there were goats I got to meet that I already knew the history of! It was a great visit and I really enjoyed getting to know the whole family.
From there I drove to Columbus, OH and met my friend Deb who was up from North Carolina. Deb and I have been friends since before we can recall. It was so nice to spend some time with her as those moments are becoming few and far between. We went to a pub, did karaoke, and criticized everyone there. It was a magical evening. The next morning we went to breakfast with another friend I hadn’t seen in over four years. Conversation was great! As I get along in years, I’ve found conversation a much more intriguing option. Don’t get me wrong, I still love to run and play, but if I can do those things with people I really like to converse with it’s all the merrier. Anyway, she had to leave by 3:00 so I went to visit my sister. I then decided just to stay the night there and return home in the morning. It was a nice evening playing with the niece and nephew. Phoebe said my name really clearly a few times and that was exciting. It is nice being able to see my nieces and nephews grow and have them know who I am.
In January I started full time at Humane Ohio. There are days I leave early and days I arrive at 7 am and don’t leave until 6pm. Last week however was a slow one and I was quite grateful for that. I took Katie to get spayed on the 4th. It was sort of fun to see it from an owner’s perspective. She is back to her old self now and doing great. I really like the people there and the work I do. I , however, do not know if this is where God is leading me long term or not.
The final bit I will write is about quiz. I am helping out with the local Bible quiz league and that has been really great. Another girl and I are in charge of prizes and quite frankly…we are totally cool and give sweet prizes! It is also a nice social time as some of the volunteers do an after quiz get together. Last week I taught everyone the game “Red and Black”. Hilarity ensued.
Well, I am tired and need to review more quiz material, as I am a judge tomorrow.


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