Monday, November 05, 2007

Hey Its Me!!!!!!!


Ok a few fun stories. I met a homeless- slightly mental I think- woman on the street the other day. She came up and said [Madame] and I gave her my “I am so sorry but not now look” and walked passed. I hate having to do that. On my way back I through, since she wasn’t pushy the first time I went her direction, I decided to give her some. So I went up to her and tried to give her some money. She however proceeded to tell me that there was a shop near and she would really enjoy some biscuits (cookies)… only 20 rupees (less than 20 cents). It was all in Sinhala but she was able to say “nice biscuit packet-ekak” (emphasis on the NICE) that made me laugh. I then walked 50m back to the shop and got the cookies. When I got back she insisted I eat some with her b/c she couldn't possibly eat them all herself. Oh and she tried to get a bottle of water out of me too. Had she said that before I had gone to the shop already I would have bought her some…or maybe milk. Anyway, we chatted for a bit and then I left. I don’t think she was all that hungry but she looked like she needed someone just to talk to. It was nice. (PS don’t think I am a saint…I pass way more poor people than I stop for.)
I have one more funny story. Today we laid the foundation stone for the FMS (community milk collection) building in our 4th dairy village (It was a big deal…auspicious time and place and the boiling over of the milk and the whole cultural ceremonial stuff). It is Sept and has been raining so the ground was wet. The hole they dug to lay the foundation had about 7inches of water in the bottom. Anyway, they let me lay the cornerstone. Ok so I was standing around the edge of this hole on wet sandy soil. Well as you can imagine as I squatted to put this cornerstone in its place the soil caved at my feet and I planted myself in the place of the cornerstone. (well almost but not quite). My boss Gamini, while trying to help me also ran himself into the hole. Man I was so embarrassed but it was really funny to and I laughed and everyone else did too. I also gave an impromptu speech in Sinhala. Ok “speech” is being generous. I said like 3 sentences myself and then did sentences of mixed languages. It was ok I think.
Well I am really tired and will be going to bed now. Peace…Me
Ok this is actually another day but I didn’t have time to post what I had written and now I have more. So on Friday I accomplished what I was beginning to think impossible. I got the worlds lamest people to go bowling!!!! I decided to throw a party for Thiyani from the office. She was interning for 9months and her contract ended on Halloween. A total of six of us went. I wasn’t sure if anyone was going until that morning. I sent out invites early and told people to reply but no one did. I got very angry at some people that day. J. and Chanaka decided to act like I didn’t tell them and that they were all offended. They were doing it to make me mad. Well, they kept going at this all day and at one point were whispering to each other, no doubt about how I didn’t tell them….I was so angry that I yelled “if you have a problem, tell me!!!” (it was in Sinhala…Yea for me!) And they both broke out in uproarious laughter. I was less than amused Anyway, we got to the bowling place and there was a tournament so we couldn’t bowl. Grrr. Upon seeing the exchange of shoes at the counter Tony (a grown man) was confused and asked why they were giving away shoes. I knew he had never been bowling, but it is such a common thing I am used to so I couldn’ t help but burst out laughing. I then explained it to him. I have decided that we will have another office fun night and will try to go bowling again. Anyway, instead of bowling we road the dodgem cars and the scrambler and played laser tag. We even got an extra 5 min of playing laser tag for free. The girls ganged up on the poor laser tag guy and lets face it he didn’t stand a chance. No man can resist my “please sir I am cute and innocent” face. All in all it was great. Ok now I will post this I think…..Oh after I make one public confession. Rachel and Nigel, I am saddened to have to report that Ben and Patrick have shattered the vase. I was devastated! I still am. And I was going to give it to my mother for Christmas. It is a travesty and I am sure there is nothing that will replace it. All joking aside I was a bit annoyed. Although it is a hideous vase, it was full of sentimental value.