Sunday, January 13, 2008

short November

January 13, 2008

Well, I am rubbish. It has been quite a while since my last entry. Many good things and not so good things have happened. I think I will just review and then do a year summary. Ok, November and December
There was a bomb that went off in a store I shop in that is on my bus route to work. That was crazy. I had a poisonous snake in my bathroom in Madampe. It was a Ceylonese krait. We had Thanksgiving here at my Colombo house. Only two of us were American. We had cranberry chicken, garlic mashed potatoes (like 5lbs with a lb of butter…needless to say they were awesome) salad, and cashew stuff….oh and chocolate biscuit pudding. After we made turkeys with our hands (you know when you trace your hand and make it into a turkey) and indian headdresses and pilgram hats. Chenoa and I gave a summary of what thanksgiving was about…we aren’t historians…we made up a lot.
I will write more in the morning.
