Tuesday, February 03, 2009

The Cost of Obedience

Well, as usual it has been a while. My computer is in the shop (was supposed to be back 9days ago...grrrrr). So, I spend most of my time stealing computers or doing work on paper. It is really hard to do work on paper. I don't like it. Oh well. Hmm since last I wrote I have been pretty busy. I conducted a 2 day training on cattle reproduction for our partner staff as well as our agriculture staff here at the Bogra office. It was tough b/c I am new and don't know anyone so I did it all by myself b/c I didn't know who to ask for help. It was translated. I don't like translations. Unfortunately, I only had a month of language study and wasn't qualified AT ALL to even speak a little. It was tiring!!! I think they liked it though and I tried to make it very participatory. My favorite was the bull soundness game we played. I made 5 scrotums out of socks for the scrotums and egg, tomatoes, starfruit etc for testicles. They had to feel them all and pick the good one. Then we went through and discussed why the others were not good. The funniest was the cryptorchid (one or both testicles fail to descend) with only one egg in the sock. They seemed to get a kick out of it. All in all it was good. I did some games that tried to get them all to problem solve. If you have ever lived in Asia you realize that this was a frustrating way to end a training, but I couldn't help but try. (School in Asia is the banking style of learning, you memorize answers and regurgitate them on tests/in life. Critical thinking and problem solving skills are rarely if ever taught.)
Hmm what else....I am continuing to learn to drive motorcycle. I don't like to drive on the roads, but I am learning. The roads here are worse than in Sri Lanka. The mentality/stupidity is the same but Bang has 7x more people and thus much more traffic. Like always it will simply take time.
Ahh I went to Dimla (where the actual project is) for 3 days practical training (more repro). It is a bit frustrating b/c they were improperly taught to detect heat and so to unteach them is tough. Every time they see a bit of mucus they tell me it is in heat or it has aborted. Add to their inadequate teaching the fact that they have sub-par critical thinking skills, and you have them wanting to throw pills at EVERYTHING. THEY WERE GIVING INTRA-UTERINE ANTIBIOTICS AND WASHES TO HEIFERS B/C THEY SAW COLOURED MUCOUS!!!! They told me that she definitely had a retained placenta!!!! SHE'S A HEIFER THERE WAS NEVER A PLACENTA TO RETAIN!!! Ummm....anyway they kept being unhappy when I (the "expert") kept telling them that there was no problem and that they simply needed to look for heat better. I was further vindicated when out of 8 animals checked for cysts (the livestock person insisted they kept coming into heat ever 8-12days) 4 were found to be pregnant. Haa haa I win.

My devotion/Bible study as of late has been on doing the will of God; searching, discerning, obeying and doing and all that that entails. A certain few discussions/studies have been on obedience in doing God's will and they have really spoken to me. This quote in particular:
"Obedience is costly to [me] and those around [me]. [I] cannot know and do the will of God without paying the price of adjustment and obedience." It is from the book Experiencing God by...ummm well I tried to cite it.

Sometimes it is more costly to those you care about than it is to you. However, my belief is that God provides, not only for me but for everyone (which includes those people i care about.)

I have one more thing to write. Recently a newspaper editor was assassinated in Sri Lanka. Having known that writing the truth (especially truth about the government) would most likely get him killed he kept an article written to be published after he was assassinated. Please read this article (link bellow) and pray for Sri Lanka and all those people around the world who have lost loved ones at the hands of those people drunk with the lust for power.

Peace and Love