Wednesday, November 01, 2006

New post- same old

Ok so what is new with me? Well last week was crazy…but I stayed out of trouble…sort of. Wednesday (the 25th) I went to Madampe for the first time. It was lovely. I will post some pix eventually. I got to visit the first village that was created by Y Gro called Koul Wewa. I visited some cows…it was so so so cool. I am a bit disappointed in the scientifically designed barns that the government has put up. I think they are great except for 2 things. 1) they are tie stalls and most farmers don’t let the producing animals out…so the want of increased AI s is tough b/c they cant show heat well (jump). 2) there has already been a small increase in laminitis…cement floors…no bedding…laminitis…
It was good and I gathered some more baseline knowledge of what normally goes on.
After that we visited my future home and the office where I will work. Good and good…I met my neighbors Bandula and Nirosha and others that I will work with...Ruan, Roshan and Dilani. On the way back into Colombo we stopped at a Hotel/Restaurant where we were planning to take Ed and Joe (MCC Asia). It was nice and right by the ocean. After we ate we were able to go to the beach for a bit. That was nice. The ride home was nice except for the fact that Colombo traffic doubled the normal time it would take us to get back….blah. Plus there were torrential rains…yea! So while sitting in the van being very bored Shiloni and I decided to be crazy and do motions to all the songs on the radio. It was amusing to say the least. We captivated our audience- who were also probably bored from sitting in traffic.
After we had dropped Shiloni off, I tried sleeping again…it didn’t work. Anyway, I had my eyes closed and I felt something hit my arm. I opened my eyes but there was nothing. Then Jaykummar who was sitting beside me started to thrash a bit. Knowing he is prone to be a bit odd, I just kind of ignored it. But in a short while I figured out what had hit my arm and what Jakummar had been thrashing for…giant flying cockroach; walking just to the left of me…ready to strike…going right for the jugular no doubt. Fear occluding my throat; I grabbed Jakummar with one hand and pointed with the other. He was able to sweep the gigantic bug down and out of the window. I don’t know if I will ever get used to large bugs, but at least it makes an interesting story.
Thursday Joe and Ed came to the office and we gave presentations on Y Gro as an organization and then a presentation on the dairy villages and one on the tsunami relief. Tony did the presentation on the tsunami and part of it was just music and pictures and it was moving. Tony is the office’s quiet sensitive guy (or so I thought). That evening then Rachel, Nigel, Ed, Joe and I went to dinner. It was nice and we got to talk about lots of things. A very good evening, I would say.
It rained more that evening.
Friday was normal but VERY rainy. It is the first day that I have been here where I did not see the sun at all. I had a Sinhala lesson that evening. Unfortunately I got off a bus stop too early and got caught in a downpour; arriving at the lesson a bit drippy. But Oh well what can one do to stop the rain? After the lesson I was going back to the office. We were leaving early in the morning to take Ed and Joe to Madampe, so Shiloni and I were going to spend the night at the office (there are some living quarters downstairs…Tony resides in one bedroom and there are two others for the use of…others. Also I may be staying there on the weekends after I move to Madampe) and maybe watch a movie using the projector that we had rented for the presentations on Thursday. Anyway, on the bus ride back to the office I hit Friday evening traffic. There were so many people on the bus that I was stuck. Really I couldn’t move. I wanted to scream…cry…something. It was terrible. I eventually got off about 2km after my stop. I am now very cautious where I stand/sit on the bus. Anyway, I got to the office eventually. Very tired and annoyed. So the evening was truncated after a bit of cricket watching and dinner.
On Saturday we picked up Ed and Joe and set off for Madampe. Unfortunately, the rains on the previous days had caused flooding so the trip was very slow and we didn’t end up going to Madampe anyway. The roads near Madampe were passable but we chose not to go b/c we thought they would get worse as the day went on. God’s hand was truly guiding us b/c we found out later that the waters had risen to over 3ft and the Y Gro staff in the Madampe center had to be evacuated by tractor. Still on the way to the Hotel where we were to have lunch, Tony drove the van through 2.5ft plus. It was crazy… We made it there and remained there for meetings and meals. Here also is where I found out that Tony is not exactly the nice quiet sensitive guy I had made him out to be. He threw Shiloni into the ocean; skirt, nice blouse and all. I think I stared at him with wide eyes and gaping mouth for a good minute. I am usually such a good judge of personality. She had other clothes so it was ok…but wow…I normally pick personalities up right away.
Anyway the ride home was good and full of water…lots of fun driving through it.
Sunday was youth service at Nugegoda Methodist…probably my church of choice I think. It went well. (Youth here are from like middle school up to like 30 or married) That evening we went swimming at St. Peters. Ha ha ha. Almost November and I am still swimming outside. Good times.
On Monday I got the news that 2 of the dairy villages were flooded and grass for feeding was nil to none. Grass is now being chopped at the Madampe center and being sent to the villagers. Nothing like starting out on the right foot.
Also, the peace talks in Geneva have failed.

Please thank God for family, faith, keeping you safe and pray for Sri Lanka and its people and my financial situation.


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