Monday, November 13, 2006


So so so. It has been a while since I posted anything. Things are going well. I am busy and sometimes have to stop and pray this prayer repeatedly.
“Dear God, I think I am going to throw-up”
Maybe not the most eloquent prayer but I think the point gets across.
Last week I went to Madampe on Tuesday-Thursday. It went well. I interviewed some farmers and will finish with the majority of the farmers next week. It was good…I have to have an interpreter which is kind of annoying, but I will learn eventually. I have 3 years. Well, 6 months according to the current visa, but they are going to extend it. Why you ask? Because I am awesome, that’s why. Some have expressed to me that what the district secretary is asking for is ridiculous and it wouldn’t be failing if my visa was not extended. I respectfully hear what they are saying, but really that is a bunch of crap. It may be an unreasonable request. Unfortunately for that crazy Provincial Director, I majored in verbal-culinary-arts….I like to make people eat their words(yes that phrase is copyrighted so don’t even think of stealing it…you know you want to)…so, “stand back you old nag! You don’t know who you are messing with!”
Anyway, I forgot my camera last week but hope to post some pictures if I take them this week.
It is still a beautiful place and one evening Shiloni and I walked around the camp part of the estate. There is this weed there called “needy kumba” which translates to “sleepy head”. It folds up when you touch it. Larry Armstrong was growing this or something similar one time when I was younger. Deb and I would go and touch it…hours of amusement…and I am glad to say that it still amuses me.
I also spent some time with Shiloni learning all the last names of people in the central office. There are some really not easy names.
Oh, on Thursday when we were visiting farmers we got the van stuck in the mud. They all laughed at the thought that it was a new experience for me. They seemed amused so I let them think that that was a new thing for me.
Anyway, Friday was back in the office. No one was there and I got a lot of work done. Tony, Shiloni, Kiru and Jaykuma were all at a wedding; Nimali is on study leave; Esther was gone; and Chanaka had a lot of errands to run. It was weird.
Today, I worked on some stuff in the morning and then in the evening was Micah’s 2nd birthday party. Micah is Dorthy and Probo’s son. I go to a Bible study that D&P also attend. All is well and next weekend I am going to the Elephant Orphanage. Yea!!!!


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