Sunday, August 05, 2007

Hey....look at me!!!!!

5 August 2007
Well well well, I am back (as in I wrote) and in under a month. Go me, I win!!!! Hmm what have I been up to since my walk on the beach? Well, I am still working…that is going well I think. Last week we opened a bulk milk tank in our second village of Kappangamua. I gave a speech…in sinhala. It was no oratorical masterpiece but they understood. At one point they clapped and I had to quickly translate what I was saying into English and then I understood why they were clapping. I said, “they were up to the challenge that this new equipment would bring.” The evening before we went to the village to help them set up for the festivities. Instead I just sat there and then they fed me rice and curry and we watched Sinhala teledramas with one of our new farmers. I managed to communicate how surprised and angry I was that Karan had married Tanya when he thought that Nandani was going to died, and also that I didn’t know that Annula’s wife died while trying to kill his ex-wife who he still loves but is now married to another man….Yea!!! I can communicate small things.
People are getting ready to leave now, and that is sad. (there is a mass exodus of ex-pats out of SL now that most of the tsunami work is done) Sabrina left today, Jen and R&N (sorry rachel and nigel you are reduced to just initials) leave early September and so on and so forth. I am consoled by one small thing however. I get all their things when they leave. Sorry you have to go….thanks for the TV. But all joking aside, I would much rather have their company than 20 new shirts and a tv. And so it goes.
On Saturday, Jen and I had lunch with our friend Priya. She is a nice cook and made Northern Sri Lanka (Tamil) food. It was great. She also had a saree that she really didn’t like the color of, so she gave it to me!!!! I went today (Sunday) and got measured for a saree blouse. I have other sarees but I just got ready made stretch jackets to go with them. This will be nice with a real jacket. The workmanship of this gentleman’s jackets is EXCELENT too so I am excited to see how it turns out. Oh, Priya is also taking me somewhere to get some cheap sharwal Kamises (those are the long shirts with the baggy pants and a shawl ) they are generally quite expensive, but she got 4 for 3000/= rupees. (a little less than $30)
Well, I am done for now…will post again later.
Pray for peace in this country.
God Bless, Jodi


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