Sunday, March 02, 2008

Another GO TEAM

3 March 2008

Ok, so its been a while. I thought I would get this done on Sunday afternoon, but a friend of mine was having a rough day so I went there. We talked. or…she talked and I listened. When I had a thought I gave it. I appreciate our relationship b/c it is honest. I have gotten sick of people putting on a façade. Those sort of relationships no longer interest me. I want some one who can tell me I am being ridiculous if in fact I am being ridiculous. It is quite sad actually because most of the people I have stopped hanging around have been my Christian friends. It has however given me time to hang out in prayer and Bible studying. The fewer friends I have now are keepers which is nice…sort of upgrading in quality while decreasing the “bulk”…ok maybe calling those friends “bulk” was a bit harsh, but that is the only mental picture I can think of now.
On more exciting note, I got to go to Madampe this week after some time of not being able to go due to a security situation. My boss is a bit overprotective. It was an ok week. I had a bit of a fight with the project coordinator there. It is not fully resolved yet. But anyway, I went to the villages alone on Wed and Thursday and was able to function ok. There was some stuff that people had to say a bunch and then “dumb down” for me but I got most of it in the end. I explained milk fever to farmers…in Sinhala…IT WAS AWESOME!!!! It was scary!!! I thought afterwards, I am never asking God to help me learn a language again…He doesn’t normally give you the ability but rather the opportunity to gain the ability. Hmmmph…sometimes the opportunity is scary (i.e. being in the village alone.)
Hmmm what else??? Udaya, my cousin (we wore grey shirts one day…hence now we are cousins. He used to work for the Y Gro Mannar office. His brother Kiruba works in the Colombo office in Accounts. We talk about wrestling a lot and spend a lot of time avoiding work together.) is getting married on the 11th April. That should be fun.
I went to visit this man in urban Colombo today he has 200 animals on about 1 ½ acres. They go out during the day and “graze” about 2km away at a large garbage dump. He doesn’t milk any of them. In the Buddhist faith it is unacceptable to kill so he is simply keeping them b/c he wants to protect life. He knows he can’t take good care of them, but thinks that slaughter is worse. We are trying to pull some strings and get them taken to a National farm where they could have proper care and food. He would be very happy with that, he just doesn’t want them slaughtered. We’ll see how it goes.
Well I will try and write later this week. Really I am going to try and write weekly…really…i will try…honestly!

Peace, jodi


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